If you have been in an auto accident that requires you to go to court, you may be wondering how long it is going to take to resolve your case. This can be a very difficult and stressful time, as you may be dealing with a lot of complicated scenarios.

Many people who are going through the process of an accident case have been injured and incurred major medical costs. Individuals in this scenario want to know when they can expect their case to be resolved, but the answer is not cut and dry. Every single case is different and is going to depend on a multitude of factors.


The first thing that is going to play a role in the length of your case is whether or not your case is complicated. If one party is clearly to blame for the accident, you may be able to resolve the case in a few months. However, you may also have a case where both sides are pointing fingers, which can drag accident cases out for a very long time. Some cases can take several years, which can be extremely distressing.

If you think you have a complicated accident case on your hands, it is crucial to hire a reputable attorney for representation. If you don’t have a quality attorney, you may end up losing your case and being responsible for paying your own medical bills. Based on the fact that some accident cases render people incapable of going back to work, this can be extremely serious.

Make sure you hire an attorney who specializes in accident cases, which will give the best chance at winning in court. Hiring an attorney that concentrates solely on injury cases is ideal, as they are going to have experienced many similar cases. This will give them an advantage when it comes to developing a strategy for your case, as they will be far more prepared than an attorney who handles multiple types of cases.

It is always a good idea to research the various attorneys that are in your area. You give yourself a much better chance at locating a quality attorney if you have properly vetted the attorneys you come across. If you happen to be looking for a Los Angeles personal injury attorney, you should look into the law offices of Gerald L. Marcus. The law offices of Gerald L. Marcus have a great reputation and are an excellent option for representation in accident cases. Make sure you hire a Los Angeles personal injury attorney that is willing to fight for you in court. The quality of life you enjoy in the future may be incumbent on the results of your injury case, so do not take it lightly. Make sure you take the time to properly research each attorney you are considering hiring to represent you in your court case. If you can locate an attorney that consistently wins in court, you may have found a lawyer that is worth hiring.

Contact us today at (800) 905-8777 to schedule your free consultation.