Personal Injury Claim: The Process Explained

Personal Injury Claim: The Process Explained

Despite your best efforts at safety, accidents are an inevitable fact of life. These accidents can occur at work, home, or school. Many accidents also take place on the road. A recent report by the National Safety Council explains over three million Americans are...
Distracted Driving and You

Distracted Driving and You

Distracted driving is becoming an increasingly larger concern as time goes on. There are now more distractions than ever before. From podcasts to ebooks to cellphones, there are endless ways to consume media— many of which can be done behind the wheel. Whether it’s...
What You Need to Know About Drunk Driving Accidents

What You Need to Know About Drunk Driving Accidents

With more than 1 million annual drunk driving arrests, the problem of driving under the influence is very much alive and well. This is a selfish act that individuals choose to take part in, which often results in serious injuries for all parties involved. Following an...
Distracted Driving and You

Why Wrong Way Car Accidents Happen

Wrong-way accidents claim an average of 350 lives per year, according to the Federal Highway Administration (FHA). Wrong-way driving is when someone behind the wheel travels in the opposite direction of traffic, which can lead to a catastrophic accident. These...